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Ich bin stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter im Bereich IT bei einem Pharmaunternehmen in Karlsruhe.Zertifizierungen:
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Category Archives: English
OpenUMR – Cross Monitoring Integrator
If you not only want to connect OpsMgr to Nagios with my connector but other management systems to OpsMgr than the OpenUMR can perhaps help you. It does more than just creating alerts in SCOM: it even creates the correct … Continue reading
PreInfo: SCOM2Nagios 1.3
The new version is released here: The next release will address two feature requests: Possibility to change the hostname (you don’t use fqdn host names in nagios…) Possibility to use more than one service in nagios (you want to … Continue reading
Posted in English, Operations Manager, SCOM2Nagios, System Center, Uncategorized
Tagged DNS, nagios, Operations Manager, scom, SCOM2Nagios
SCOM2Nagios 1.2
Find the newest version on top of: Attached is the new version of the SCOM2Nagios Connector. There is just one small thing changed: You can now define the OK message in config file. So no more german status messages … Continue reading
Posted in English, Operations Manager, SCOM2Nagios, System Center
Tagged connector, nagios, scom, SCOM2Nagios