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Ich bin stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter im Bereich IT bei einem Pharmaunternehmen in Karlsruhe.Zertifizierungen:
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Category Archives: English
Re-Import VMs into Hyper-V
Normaly you can only import a Virtual Machine (VM) into Hyper-V if you have exported it. If you lose your Hyper-V settings or have to import it into a new Hyper-V Server in case of a desaster recovery than you … Continue reading
SCOM ACS over forest borders
Sometimes the acs forwarder doesn’t connects successfully to the acs server and states in the operations manager event log, that you have to activate debugging to see more details. You can activate it by following this instruction: Browse to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\AdtAgent\Parameters … Continue reading
Posted in English, Operations Manager, System Center
Tagged bug, Debug, Operations Manager, scom, security, Windows
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Manual activate debug for GPP
Sometimes you have to debug group policy preferences (gpp) and don’t want to activate the debugging with another group policy. You can simpe activate the debugging with two registry entries: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Group Policy\{728EE579-943C-4519-9EF7-AB56765798ED}] “LogLevel”=dword:00000003 “TraceLevel”=dword:00000002 This will activate the debugging for … Continue reading
Posted in Active Directory Domain Service, English
Tagged bug, Debug, update, Windows
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SCOM2Nagios 1.4
Find the newest version on top of: Released a new Version of the SCOM2Nagios Connector. Changes: 1.4 * NEW: variables for processing instruction * NEW: change case of output (upper/lower) * BUG: no crash if scom connection is lost … Continue reading
Posted in English, Operations Manager, SCOM2Nagios, System Center
Tagged bug, connector, nagios, scom, SCOM2Nagios
SCOM2Nagios 1.3
Find the newest version on top of: I have uploaded a release of the Nagios Connector 1.3. You can read about the changes in this post: I have only made some short and fast tests. So be cautious. … Continue reading
Posted in English, Operations Manager, SCOM2Nagios, System Center
Tagged connector, nagios, scom, SCOM2Nagios