SCOM2Nagios 1.5

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Released a new Version of the SCOM2Nagios Connector. Changes:

* NEW: NagiosHost2 and NagiosPort2 in config (fast change upon request)
* BUG: Processings equals instruction hasnt’t worked correctly

This is currently a fast release without much testing. Please add a comment if anything is broken!

Download: SCOM2Nagios (Version 1.5) (2735 downloads )

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17 Responses to SCOM2Nagios 1.5

  1. Sandra says:

    Hi Markus,

    I’m going to install the new version. But do I need to install the VShost exe?

    And I have send you an email, did you had the time to check it out?

    Kind regards, Sandra

    • markus says:

      Hi Sandra,

      you don’t need the VSHost.exe. It is generated by the Visual Studio for debugging purpose.
      And yes, I have answered your email today

      Best regards


  2. David says:

    Hi Markus,
    I would like that the Connector send to Nagios(Centreon Console) only the name of the server and not the name with domain.
    Exemple :hpv33sm10e and not hpv33sm10e.domain.local

    It’s possible ?

    Thanks for your answer.
    Best Regards

  3. Sandra says:

    Hi Markus,

    We have a problem with the connector. It keeps the connection alive, this usualy would not be a problem. However I have to send all warnings and errors to Nagios and unfortunataly that is alot of traffic so Nagios is hanging on the many many connections that SCOM makes but does not end.

    Can you do something about that? There is a parameter for that so i’m told.

    With kind regards,

  4. markus says:

    just wanted to start Start Visual Studio but after a second thought I cannot see a connection. The Connector simply starts the send_nagios.exe and doesn’t keep it opened. Do you see many send_nagios.exe processes in your task manager?
    If you see them and already work on a w2k8 system, please add the command line column and send me an email with the screenshoot.



  5. Mariano says:

    Hi, Markus

    Does it work with SCOM 2012? Have you tested it with the newer version?


  6. Stefan says:

    Hello Markus

    I tried to use it under SCOM2012 on a Windows Server 2012. I can install the service and I see also the Connector into SCOM. Everything looks good…also the Config (and PS: send_nsca works also fine when I try it manually per cmd).

    But when I try to forward a Alert to this Connector then nothing arrived in Nagios. In the EventViewer I got only:
    “Nagios-SCOMConnector is still alive. Overall alerts received: 0, Resend queue: 0”
    “Nagios-SCOMConnector resent alerts: 0”

    Maybe you know this “issue” and can help?

    Thank you in advance

  7. Stefan says:

    Sorry, I forgot to copy the xml file into the Release folder. Now it looks better

    • David says:

      Hi, I am using SCOM 2012 SP1. I have installed the connector as per the instructions and added the xml file to the release folder. When I attempt to forward an alert from SCOM to Nagios, The logs say that it has performed the task and logs the following:

      Send to Nagios D:\Path\send_nsca.exe commandline: -H IPAddress -d ; -c “D:\Path\send_nsca.cfg” -p 5667, Message: ServerFQDN;p_scom;2;VM state not healthy

      Windows App Event log shows all good for the service.
      If I try to manually run this command from a prompt, I get the following error:
      Incorrect command line arguments supplied

      The Nagios server does not see anything coming in also.
      Any assistance would be great.

    • Shiraz Ahmad says:

      @Stefan or @David, Have you been able to solve your issue?

  8. Hans says:

    Are any instructions available to debug what happens on a Windows 2008 R2 server running SCOM2012? For me the send_nsca works fine but I can’t get it working through the product connector.

  9. Hans says:

    Can anyone tell me where I can find additional information how procedures.xml works. I copied this file to the release directory but it doesn’t seem to work. The text for resolved alerts is “Alles OK”, but the processor.xml file contains the string “Everything is OK”. The logfile tracelog.txt shows : “Processor : no processing definition set”

  10. Frank says:

    Hi Markus,

    i have Installed and configured the Connector, but no alerts are send to Nagios.

    In the SCOM 2012 SP1 Application Eventlog, the following entry is writte:


    Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager, Version=6.0.4900.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35

    System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ‘MOMBIDldr.dll’: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
    at Bid.internalInitialize()

    In the tracelog the following lines are writte:

    17.07.2013 13:04:55: Connection to ManagementGroup on localhost opened.
    17.07.2013 13:06:15: Alert Received: Path: , Name: Test-Alert, Severity: Error, ResolutionState: 0
    17.07.2013 13:06:15: Processor: No processing definition set.
    17.07.2013 13:06:15: Send to Nagios C:\scom2nagios\send_ncsa.exe commandline: -H NagiosHost -d ; -c “C:\scom2nagios\send_nsca.cfg” -p 5667, Message:;p_scom;2;Test-Alert

    17.07.2013 13:06:15: Error while getting new alerts from scom: The system cannot find the file specified.

    Yoe have any Idea?

    Best Regards

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